Importance of tattoos in the past and the tattoo history of many countries

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The word “tattoo” originates from the Polynesian word “Ta” (“to strike”), which describes the sound of a tattoo spike on the skin. The first written mention of the word “tattoo” is found in the papers of a naturalist Joseph Banks (1743-1820) on Captain Cook’s ship. Tattoos were known as “prics” or “marks” in the East and West before Captain Cook brought them to Europe.

 In the early days, chisels, rakes, or picks were used to make tattoos. The yarn-covered thread was also used, in which the thread was sewn into the skin. Tattoo machines are currently in use.

The first electric tattoo machine was invented and patented by Samuel O’Reilly in 1891.

A modern tattoo machine has four parts. 1) Needle (Needle. 2) A tube to hold the ink used to make tattoos in the skin. 3) An electric motor to move the needle, by which the needle is driven to pierce the skin at a speed of 50 to 3000 per minute. 4) Foot pedal to control the electric motor.

The skin is pierced with a tattoo gun 50 to 3000 times per minute to get a tattoo.

Tattoos are actually done on the dermis, which is the second layer of skin. The cells of the dermis are more stable than the cells of the epidermis. Tattoos made in these go on for a lifetime without fading or spreading or with slight fading and spreading.

Not all skin on the body is the same. Not all skin types have the same tattoo color. For example, tattoos on elbows, knees, and feet fade quickly.

Top 9 Most Popular Spots for Body Tattoos 1) Lower back, 2) Wrist, 3) Legs, 4) Ankle, 5) Armband, 6) Back-piece, 7) Arm, 8) Chest, 9) Neck Is.

The pain when getting a tattoo is described as the pain when a bee stings.

The areas of the body where the most pain occurs when getting a tattoo are above the bone, such as the ankle, collarbone, chest, ribs, and spine.

Tattoos are the latest trend

It would not be wrong to say that nowadays the craze of tattoos is at its peak. The younger generation has become more inclined to get unique types of tattoos made on different parts of their body, tattooing all over their body to create a different identity in the crowd. Although it is believed that the young blood is very hot, these youth also prove this in the form of their tattoo quotes and designs. Bollywood, Hollywood stars, cricket stars, and celebrities of the fashion world have made it a style statement. So what is the big city and what is the small city, the youth of everywhere are following this style trend.

Drug addiction

The trend of saying your heart with the help of tattoos is nowadays, we can call it fashion. For the younger generation, it has become an addiction. But the history of tattoos that we are going to tell you is centuries old. Fashion, which was today a practice, was a necessity.

Old tradition

We see tattoos as the latest trend, but after knowing what we are going to tell you, every person who has got a tattoo will consider themselves old-fashioned.

The tattoo history of many countries

Tattoos in India

In India too, the history of permanent tattoos which were called tattooing is very old. In South India, permanent tattoos were called Pachkutrathu. Such tattoos were very common in Tamil Nadu before the 1980s. In India, tattoos were a sign of people belonging to different tribes. People of different castes and tribes got tattooed for their identity.

Temporary tattoo: Apart from all this, temporary tattoos were made in India with the help of mehndi from the earliest times, which were used by the Hindu society divided into caste-classes. Even today, the trend of mehndi is in full swing. This practice from India reached the Middle East and North Africa. According to the evidence, henna is used only in Egypt for hair dyeing.

Tattoos in vogue in Japan

In ancient Japan from 1603 to 1868, only carriers, prostitutes, and low-skilled workers made tattoos to preserve their social identity. From 1720 to 1870, tattoos were also made on the faces of criminals. Whenever a criminal committed a crime a ring was made on his wrist, the more crimes the more rings.

Tattoos in Egypt

In ancient Egypt, tattoos were only related to women, due to their social status. Apart from this, tattoos were also associated with the religion of women and the punishment given. Various historians believe that tattoos were also related to the treatment of a particular disease. When the researchers examined the body of the mummy obtained during the excavation, tattoos made of different colors were seen on it. According to the researchers, the colors of these tattoos were related to the treatment of the disease.

Tattoos in china

In ancient China, tattoos were considered a sign of uncivilized tribes. Tattoos have also been linked to historical heroes and bandits in Chinese literature. In China, an ‘’mark was made on the faces of the prisoners, which was proof of their culpability.

Tattoos in the Philippines

In the ancient Philippines, it was believed that tattoos possessed magical powers. Apart from this, the people of the Philippines used to get various tattoos to show their social status. The practice of tattooing was relatively more prevalent among the Kalinga, Ifugao Bontoc Igorite people living in the Philippines.

Tattoo trend in Europe

The most prevalent and famous tattoo of ancient Europe was found on the body of an Iceman named Ottji from the famous Otz Valley of the Alps, which dates back to 4 centuries before Christ. In various surveys, it has been proved that there are 61 tattoos on the body of Ottji that were made with the help of carbon. Some were on the right and left wrists, some on the hips and heel and some on the spine. Depending on where these tattoos were, scientists say that they must have been related to the treatment of diseases. Tattooing was declared illegal in Europe when the era of Christianity began.


In Taiwan, adults from the Atyal tribe used to get tattoos on their faces, called Tasan. It was proof that the adult man is ready to protect his house and land and the adult women are ready to take over the house.

Are still standing today

The traditions of the people of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malagasy, who still practice tattooing today, are also believed to have originated from their ancestors living in Taiwan. Even today, Taiwanese people stick to their tattoo tradition.


Apart from this, during the slavery process, the owners of the slaves also gave a distinctive mark on their slaves, which became their identity.

New or old

We gave you so much detail related to the tattoo. Now decide for yourself whether you are setting the trend or have yourself become a part of those old customs.

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